100 Business Books that have influenced 100 Business Owners (Part 6)
Walt Disney once said: “There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island”. I like this quote because it’s one of those quotes that both children and adults can understand- simple but effective.
We are now on part six of our ‘100 business books that have influenced 100 business owners’ blog… And this week, we had our very first repeat of the entire series so far! Almost 30 books in before someone said the same book twice and I think that tells us three things: 1) Different books mean different things for everybody, 2) There is a book out there for everyone, 3) If you’re looking for an inspirational book- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey is a must have!
Founder of Running Wild Press, Lisa Kastner said: “When I look at the seven habits, I realized that they truly are the baseline for all of my goals and achievements: Habit 1: Be Proactive, Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind, Habit 3: Put First Things First, Habit 4: Think Win/Win, Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood, Habit 6: Synergize and Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw. And they can be leveraged in business and personal strategizing and planning.” http://linkedin.com/in/lisa-kastner-a4a2ab2
Next up is Founder and Chief Visionary Officer of the Wealth Legacy Group Inc, RJ Kelly: “A book I read earlier this year blew me away for its simplicity – and its change & impact in my life. It’s called ‘Tiny Habits’ by Dr. B. J. Fogg, a Stanford professor. Phenomenal. What I am finding is by making tiny changes and developing new positive habits, it is having a ripple effect in other areas of my life positively as well. It’s not about shooting for huge changes that are difficult to maintain, but about tiny efforts made consistently over time that then expand as the habit gets further and further engrained. Brilliant!” http://linkedin.com/in/wealthlegacygroup
Founder and CEO of ReVise Consulting Britt Gottschalk said the book that influenced her was: Never Split the Difference by Christopher Voss and Tahl Raz: “There are so many different ways to conduct business negotiations, and this book shows that it doesn’t have to be a cold and emotionally disconnected process. Through Voss’ experience with leading hostage negotiations for the FBI, it taught me that negotiating should be more of a discussion where you pay attention to the other person’s feelings through actively listening. Although I originally picked it up as a professional read, I’ve found myself applying its concepts to my everyday interactions with people I care about. I’ve become a more empathetic leader, vendor, partner and friend through hearing concerns instead of thinking about how I’m going to respond while they’re speaking”. http://linkedin.com/in/brittgottschalk
Alejandro Martinez of Resilience Coaching by Alejandro Martinez said he could easily pick his most influential book: “The one that has had the most influence in my self-development is called “Becoming Supernatural” by Dr. Joe Dispenza. (That is, if you include his meditation on creating abundance that you can find on his website). If I had to mention others, on the topic of self-development its born rich by Bob Proctor, and on the topic of business and sales it’s Built to Sell by John Warrilow and Way of the Wolf by Jordan Belfort.“
And finally Laura Vidal Borrell, Founder at HappySneeze said: “I work with mothers, many of them successful professionals, who after the wild journey that pregnancy, birth, and motherhood is, find themselves stuck in their jobs. Many want to take on different careers, start-up companies, run for office! They are just not sure that they ‘have what it takes’. For them, and for anyone ready to start a new venture their mom would disapprove of, I recommend “Women who run with the wolves” by Clarissa Pinkola Estés. It’s not your regular business book, as you will discover the unspoken cultural norms and beliefs that hold you back, and find power in your own experience and intuition. After reading the book you will be left with the certainty that you are THE ONE, and that you do have what it takes to start whatever you choose to.” linkedin.com/in/laura-vidal-borrell-83877b
Some really interesting books this week from some really interesting people- watch this space for the next installment!