100 Business Books that have influenced 100 Business Owners (Part 15)
Welcome back to part 15 of our 100 Business Books that have influenced 100 Business Owners… not much longer to go now before we release our downloadable e-book so stay tuned!!
“A book is a gift you can open again and again” -Garrison Keillor – definitely a good quote to keep in mind coming up to Christmas!
This week, we are starting off with the CEO of Porta Studios, Aires Loutsaris who said: “One book that has really marked me is Delivering Happiness by Tony Hsieh. It made me fall in love with customer service and really helped cement the notion of keeping a customer happy even if it means talking to them over the phone for a couple of hours on non-business-related matters. It’s such a shame he passed away.” http://linkedin.com/in/aires-loutsaris-08bb7823
Next up, we have Sean Breen, Founder and Creator of Paddy Jobsman who chose The Wisdom of Insecurity by Alan Watts.
“The reason this book had an impact on me is because it has given me, out of everything, peace. It goes into the fact that when we’re in a situation that maybe is not necessarily favourable, when you try and resist the situation, and you try and fight it and you try and change it- it just makes the problem worse, so the idea of the book is to not resist whatever is going on in your life and accept it and don’t hold onto it, don’t try and force it out, don’t try letting it go either- just be present with it and like everything else, it will pass eventually. This idea has given me peace because things like meditation, going for walks, doing all this spiritual stuff, these are just band aids on a gaping wound as I describe it…there is no fixing anything because there’s nothing to be fixed, everything is as it is. This book has changed my perspective on how I manage all things good and bad.” http://linkedin.com/in/seanbreen
Rich Dad Poor Dad by Roberty T Kiyosaki makes another appearance this week from Shubham Joshi, Co-Founder and CEO of In The Circle.
“I am not much of a book fan as I have always been a more of a socialising person. Although, when I first started reading books, I gave a good thought on the topic I am interested in, which was always “Entrepreneurship”. Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki was the first experience of me learning the basic concept of making money which made me realise that ‘everything we try to achieve is just about our mindset.’ If we have a goal to achieve it is only our mind which could stop us from doing what we want to achieve. After reading that, I leaned more towards Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson, which was a true inspiration, I suppose, for many Millennials coming onboard in the Business domain.” http://linkedin.com/in/shubham-joshi-1a68426b
Tom Nolan, Founder and Director at Evolution Hygiene is a huge fan of Dale Carnegie. Not only did he mention How to Win Friends and Influence People that has been mentioned before, he also mentioned How to Stop Worrying and Start Living and How to Develop Self-confidence and influence people by public speaking.
“They are my guide to people, including myself. I use these books in two ways, first- to understand what other people need when they are communicating with me and second, to hone my communication skills in different environments. Can’t say it works always but certainly helps!” http://linkedin.com/in/evohygiene
And finally, owner of QP4 Media, Raymond Gunning said it was an easy choice! The 10-Day MBA by Steven Silbiger.
“Anyone who reads it should turn straight away to ‘Day 8 Economics‘ where they will find this insightful quotation –
‘Like kings of old dispensing with their astrologers, big business is sacking it’s economic soothsayers. Their strategizing proved entertaining and interesting – but not very useful’ – ‘Dreary days in the Dismal Science’, Forbes, January 21, 1991″ http://linkedin.com/in/raymondgunning
And we’ll leave you with that quote today… Keep an eye out for the next installment!