Niall Parfitt FCIM MSc – Certified HubSpot Gold Solutions Partner | Inbound Marketer | Atlanticus Digital Owner
Director/Trustee at Halifax Foundation NI and Headliners UK | Fellow CIM

Niall Parfitt is a marketing professional with over 20 years experience of working with large organisations to SMEs having worked with a wide range of businesses from large organisations to SME’s including UTV, Ulster Bank, An Post and Queen’s University.. Niall runs his own inbound marketing agency, Atlanticus Digital and is experienced in all areas of digital marketing including marketing strategies, Social Media, Web and email marketing. Niall also facilitates workshops and webinars across all of Ireland training on all aspects of inbound marketing.
Atlanticus Digital is a gold HubSpot Agency partner in Ireland working with companies all over Europe. HubSpot offers a full platform of marketing, sales, customer service, and CRM software. Recently added as a consultant on the Enterprise Ireland and Inter-Trade Ireland COVID support programs. I’ve 30 certifications in HubSpot, Google Analytics and have recently become Asana Pro certified and Canva Affiliate. I’m also a fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing. Board Member for Headliners and Halifax Foundations NI.
Q1. Did you always want to become a consultant or did you fall into the role?
I was a consultant as part of a Department Enterprise Trade and Investment project in Northern Ireland back in 2013 and I loved the role. Ever since then I’ve wanted to help businesses! I’ve been consulting for over 3 years and it has such a fantastic learning experience.
Q2. What makes a good consultant?
Patience, passion and interest in business growth
Q3. Do you feel you manage yourself well or is it a case of ‘the cobbler’s shoes’?
It would be a bit of both some days but I like to think I manage myself well enough!
Q4. Are there enough hours in your day?
No definitely not. I have young family so they can be quite time consuming! I’ve also joined two charity boards which I has been extremely rewarding on top of running my own business. So time is precious!
Q5. If you could magically stop your clients from making one mistake – what would that be?
Failure to invest and constantly looking for cheap and free options.
Q6. What do you find is the best way to market yourself?
HubSpot without a shadow of a doubt and LinkedIn
Q7. What do you do to unwind?
I run a bit. I’ve completed 6 marathons in the last few years. I’ve recently joined a Lads and Dads GAA club and help out with coaching kids GAA. Also, I love cooking, craft beer, reading and listening to music
Q8. What advice would you give a starting consultant?
Always have that thirst for learning and developing yourself. If you don’t then maybe think of another profession.
Q9. What’s your guilty pleasure?
Tayto Crisps
Q10. What’s your goal for next year?
Grow the business further, employ staff and market the business in Europe/US