Scott Fairgrieve – Fairbros Business Development
Scott is a business owner who ‘helps other business owners make profits and create more time to live there lives’. He believes a lot of business owners have not been ‘taught how to run a business’, rather they have gone from being a technician to being a business owner and being a business owner is very different to being a technician. Scott and his team help by putting in place good financials, systems, and people so the owners can get the most out of his business.
Today, we put Scott to the 10 question test!
Q1. Did you always want to become a consultant or did you fall into the role?
I fell into to the role after running my own business and finding out there is not much help or support for business owners.
Q2. What makes a good consultant?
You must have experience in what you are consulting on and you need to care about what you are doing
Q3. Do you feel you manage yourself well or is it a case of ‘the cobbler’s shoes’?
Yes I manage myself very well and practice what we preach daily in the businesses we own and operate.
Q4. Are there enough hours in your day?
Yes, we all have 24 hours in a day its how you use these hours that makes the difference our Fairbros 4 system helps create that right work / life balance.
Q5. If you could magically stop your clients from making one mistake – what would that be?
Not paying attention to their numbers.
Q6. What do you find is the best way to market yourself?
Actions people see what we do and how we do it and actions speak louder than words every time.
Q7. What do you do to unwind?
I love to BMX.
Q8. What advice would you give a starting consultant?
Make sure you truly know what you are consulting on and have the experience to advise correctly.
Q9. What’s your guilty pleasure?
Sitting in the Hot Tub with music playing, the sun on my face and day dreaming.
Q10. What’s your goal for next year?
To grow Fairbros Ltd to be the best family run business on the planet.